Help more kids experience a week at IAWAH.

Family assistance for camp fees. CampKIDS helps over 50 campers spend a week at IAWAH. Campers who would not normally have the opportunity.

TThank you for investing in our kids. It's been a month since they've been at camp and they're still singing camp songs! -- happy parent

Looking to access the campKIDS fund? 

Financial assistance for summer camp and YDLP programs is available by application to the CampKIDS Bursary Fund. The bursary fund can award up to 50% of one week’s camp fees/camper. 

How to Apply: 

1.  Register your camper into a camp/program. 
2. Contact the office [email protected] (613) 273-5621 to access the bursary application
3. Fill out the bursary and submit it. 
4. Await results.

The application deadline is April 15. No applications will be processed after this time.